Here are the links to my friends and some of my other websites.
Link: Character animator
Description: Sabine is a talented character animator, make sure you check her demo reel and short film.
Link: Justin Paver
Description: A friend who's been programming in the game and graphics industry.
Link: Ilja Friedel
Description: A friend whose page is mostly about comp sci research topics.
Link: Craig's twisted sanity
Description: A page about everything by Craig Duttweiler.
Link: Ubergizmo by Hubert Nguyen
Description: Our path crossed briefly but he was always very cordial, go check his gadget blog.
What else :
Photo, code, drawing, web publishing, green stuff and everything else on my other websites.
Link: Photography
Description: This is my photography website. I've been taking pictures for a few years and displaying them there.
Link: Deviant photography
Description: Art-oriented portfolio.
Link: Painting, drawing
Description: I've been drawing since high school, I don't have much time anymore but here's some of the old and newer stuff.
Link: Posters, wall art
Description: Buy posters, wall art and post cards on my redbubble account.
Link: Photography on flickr
Description: Another great photography community.
Link: In a coder's mind
Description: Programming tutorials and source code, mostly around graphics programming. You can also check Dans l'esprit du codeur en français.
Link: The Austin green home
Description: How can we reduce our impact ? My first blog on the subject.
Link: What's on my mind - In a coder's mind
Description: Unofficial coder's mind stuff. Centered around programming life, game industry and whatever is on my mind.